How to protect a building envelope

A building’s envelope plays several roles in a structure. For various reasons, it can be neglected during a construction project or become less efficient over the years. In these cases, the consequences can be very unfortunate. What can be done to remedy this situation? Keep reading to learn how to protect a building’s envelope.

The utility of a building envelope

A building envelope is the physical barrier between the external and internal environment of a structure. In general, it includes a series of components and systems that protect the interior space from precipitation, wind, temperature variations, humidity and ultraviolet rays. Protecting and improving a building’s envelope is an excellent way to ensure a structure’s energy efficiency.

The range of components and systems that make up an envelope

In the construction sector, the range of components and systems that make up a building envelope includes the foundation, roof, walls, doors and windows. The dimensions, performance, compatibility of materials, their connections and interactions are the main factors that determine the efficiency and durability of this system.

The impact of a deficient architectural envelope

A poorly designed or poor-quality building envelope has many impacts. This can include poor structural support against internal and external loads and forces, as well as poor water, air and heat transfer, to name a few. Sometimes, the building envelope is carelessly neglected to reduce construction costs.

Solutions for structural protection

In order to provide rock-solid protection from the elements, a building needs a high-performance envelope, since each part of the structure can be vulnerable to water ingress, air leakage and premature deterioration of its building materials.

So, how do you protect a building envelope? The application of tar is recommended by the Quebec Construction Code to waterproof a foundation. In some cases, ensuring or improving the drainage of the foundation perimeter will be sufficient, for example by installing a French drain.

In addition to this method, liquid membranes made of emulsified bitumen or polymer are a well-known waterproofing solution. As the name suggests, this type of membrane requires liquid application. After a drying period, the liquid membranes are transformed into an airtight rubbery surface, which has no seal. The waterproofing is therefore optimal.

Protect your building envelope better than ever

Every building needs a high-performance envelope that offers unwavering protection against the elements. Each of its parts is important since they play a specific role in ensuring the integrity of the structure, as well as the safety of the occupants.

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