Prevent pest infestations using polyurethane foam insulation

The arrival of winter or spring, while welcomed by many, can nevertheless bring a major problem: insect and small animal infestations in your home. If the opportunity arises, these pests will not hesitate to sneak into cracks in your walls and foundations to build their nests or cause serious damage.

In this article, find out why polyurethane foam insulation is an excellent solution to prevent these small bugs from settling in your home.

Some types of insulation are more attractive to pests than foam insulation

Have you ever noticed that older homes are sometimes more prone to pest infestations? One reason is that these buildings are often insulated with substandard materials.

In the past, buildings were insulated with materials such as vermiculite, fibreglass and cellulose. These insulations can be used by insects and animals to build their nests or even as food. Walls with these types of insulation are much more attractive to pests.

In contrast, when properly applied, polyurethane foam insulation will not sag or disintegrate and allow rodents or pests to build their nests with it. In addition, this material has no value as food and is unlikely to be eaten by pests.

No space is left open for pests with polyurethane foam insulation

Foam insulation has another big advantage: the ability to spread into every nook and cranny of your walls. When you apply them, these flexible foams expand until their maximum capacity is reached, leaving practically no free space, unlike the insulation materials mentioned above. Moreover, it will not shrink as it dries. This makes it exceedingly difficult for small animals to get in and build a nest and cause more problems in your home.

Polyurethane foam insulation is always effective, all year round

Pest infestation problems are not necessarily associated with a specific season and therefore could occur at any time. For instance, when temperatures rise with the arrival of spring, insects will return and look for food. Alternatively, when winter arrives, some animals will seek shelter in homes to protect themselves from the cold.

If you notice an infestation problem during the cold season and need to redo your insulation, polyurethane foam is an excellent choice of insulation product. Some formulations can be applied at low temperatures, even as low as -25°C. You can therefore rest assured that your home will be protected from pests at any time of the year.

Protect your building with Adfoam foam insulation!

All in all, foam insulation is an excellent solution for preventing pest infestations throughout the year. Its incredible flexibility prevents animals from sneaking inside your walls and settling in to create their nests.

At Adfast, we offer a complete line of insulating foams for any space that needs to be filled inside a building. Simply contact us to learn more about our various Adfoam products!