How to Prevent Mold and Mildew in Shower Caulk

Mold and mildew are unwanted houseguests that are all too common, particularly in bathrooms. These types of fungi thrive in humidity and find their way into small, dark cracks and crevices, where they may not be noticed until a substantial colony has been established.

Fortunately, humidity mitigation strategies, thorough cleaning and the right type of caulk can go a long way towards preventing mold and mildew from taking up residence in your bathroom.

Mold and mildew: the bane of the bathroom

Mold and mildew are types of fungus that thrive in warm, damp, dark places. They reproduce by releasing microscopic spores into the air. While the spores are usually harmless in small amounts, they can proliferate quickly, particularly in humid environments.

Water is the dominant feature of bathrooms, with showers, baths, sinks and toilets that are all frequently used. That means that the bathroom is usually the most humid place in the house, making it an ideal environment for mold growth.

In addition to being unsightly and spreading quickly if left unchecked, mold and mildew can irritate the lining of the lungs, causing unpleasant symptoms for those with allergies and respiratory conditions. Furthermore, some types of mold are hazardous for everyone. All in all, it’s best to act quickly to eradicate any fungus that appears in your bathroom.

How to remove mold from shower caulk

If you discover that mold has infiltrated your shower caulk, it’s important to know how to deal with it properly. Mold is tenacious—it has roots that can tunnel far past the surface of a material. That means that it’s not enough to just scrub it away—it needs to be destroyed completely to prevent it from returning.

To remove mold from shower caulk:

  1. Vacuum or sweep up any dust or debris that has accumulated in or around the caulk.
  2. Create a bleach solution (1 part bleach to 10 parts water) and pour it into a spray bottle.
  3. Spray your shower caulk with the bleach solution, paying special attention to the affected areas.
  4. Let stand for at least five minutes.
  5. Gently scrub the caulk with a sponge or soft bristled brush and then wipe it with a clean wet cloth.

If you find that the caulk is cracked, discoloured, or has been taken over by mold, it’s best to remove the sealant entirely and recaulk your shower.

The best shower caulk to prevent mold and mildew

In bathrooms, caulk or sealant is usually applied where two surfaces meet to keep air and moisture out of the cracks. However, not all types of caulk are suitable for the particular requirements of the bathroom environment.

When it comes to keeping out moisture, silicone sealant is best for bathroom use. Silicone is waterproof and adheres very well to common bathroom substrates such as tile and glass. Furthermore, there are acetoxy silicone sealants that include fungicide, which makes them mold- and mildew-resistant.

It’s very important to opt for mold-resistant shower caulk when sealing joints in the bathroom in order to keep things clean and fungus-free!

Other ways to prevent mold and mildew in the bathroom

Mold and mildew are particularly prevalent in the bathroom because of the large amounts of moisture generated there on a daily basis. Consider taking some of the following steps to reduce humidity and prevent mold and mildew from forming in the bathroom:

  • If your bathroom is equipped with an exhaust fan, always turn it on before showering, and leave it running for at least half an hour afterwards. The fan will draw moisture out of the room and release it into the air outside.
  • Consider keeping the bathroom door open when showering to improve airflow and allow the steam to dissipate.
  • If possible, open the windows after showering to let in fresh air and light.
  • Clean the bathroom frequently and thoroughly with mold-killing products such as vinegar, bleach or ammonia (NEVER mix bleach and ammonia).
  • Check the pipes regularly to make sure they aren’t leaking, as leaky pipes can result in pooled, stagnant water that spurs the proliferation of mold.

Get the best mold-resistant shower caulk from Adfast!

Adfast is a leading supplier of caulk and sealant for various industrial, commercial and residential applications. Our AdSeal KB 4800 series is high-quality, mildew-resistant acetoxy silicone sealant that is perfect for kitchen and bathroom use. Contact us today for durable shower caulk that’s sure to remain fungus-free!